
Marvel Unveils 6 NEW Howard the Duck WTD Variants!

The highly anticipated release of Howard the Duck #1 is just over a week away and Marvel’s just released 6 more variants as part of its ‘What the Duck?!’ series.

Well that’s not all. The Magnificent Mallard, Howard will also have variant covers for All-New Captain America #6, All-New Hawkeye #2, All-New X-Men #41, Amazing Spider-Man #17, Guardians of the Galaxy #26, Inhuman #14, Legendary Star-Lord #11, Ms. Marvel #14, Rocket Raccoon #10, S.H.I.E.L.D. #5, Silk #3, Spider-Gwen #3, Superior Iron Man #7, Thor #7, Uncanny Avengers #4 and Uncanny Inhumans #0.