DC’s made a feat of their monthly variants and this month, it’s all about the Joker!
Even with the debut of DC’s newest phase of their universe in DC YOU, the clown prince of crime will be gracing 24 covers with his terrifying visage, the second most ghastly thing DC has produced this month! (The first being Commissioner Gordon’s new armoured costume… and haircut.)
Superman/Wonder Woman #18 by Cliff Chiang
Secret Six #03 by Dan Jurgens
Gotham By Midnight #06 by John Van Fleet
Grayson #09 by Dave Johnson
Gotham Academy #07 by Craig Rousseau
Batman/Superman #21 by Jock
Action Comics #41 by Darwyn Cooke
Teen Titans #09 by Scott McDaniel
The Flash #42 by Eddy Barrows and Marcelo Maiolo
Justice League of America #01 by Howard Porter and Hifi
New Suicide Squad by #09 by Jim Lee and Alex Sinclair
Detective Comics #41 by Patrick Gleason and John Kalisz