
The Doctor Lands in Valencia, Spain

Peter Capaldi (The Doctor), and Pearl Mackie, playing his latest companion, Bill, have travelled to Valencia, Spain, to film episode 2 of Doctor Who, series 10 this week at the City of Arts and Science Museum.

Picking up where Jenna Coleman left off, Pearl Mackie is the latest, of a very long list of ‘Companions’ to travel by the Doctor’s side and keep him in check.

Filming for the 10th season has begun since the series took a break since the Christmas special that aired, well… on 25 December 2015 – “The Husbands of Riversong”. Since then the series has taken a bit of a break till 2017. But fret not, showrunner Steven Moffatt confirmed that Doctor Who will be around for at least another five years, extending the show until at least 2020 and filming for Season 10 has begun.