
There’s No Such Thing As A Quiet Year For Star Wars

Disney Investor Day Unveils a Whole New Galaxy for Star Wars

The Acolyte

With Star WarsThe High Republic setting sail on multi-media platforms, it was only a matter of time before the era saw some depiction on either the big or small screens (or, why not both?).

With the artillery of Disney+ at its disposal, we’ll be getting a pretty intense look at this new era through the eyes of The Acolyte. Given the peak position in which the Jedi are, it can expected for this series to follow either a Dark Jedi or Sith-in-Training.

Related: Does the Future of Star Wars Lie in The High Republic

Most impressively, showrunner Leslye Headland has had some serious and important words for Star Wars fans:

Just because my show is technically, yes, ‘female-centric’, meaning it centers around a female protagonist, I don’t think that necessarily excludes men from that space. I relate to male characters all the time. I root for Mando. I root for Luke… An inclusive space means an inclusive space. But at the same time, I think that just because something has a female protagonist doesn’t necessarily mean it’s only for women.

I kind of see, if Star Wars is a religion… I like to think of my show as a tent revival. You can come over if you want to. We’re going to be talking about some cool stuff. There’s going to be some things we haven’t discussed in the canon yet. There are going to be some characters you don’t know about. I would love you to join us. I would love you to be interested in it. If it’s not your thing — the cool thing about Star Wars right now is there’s so much you can align yourself with and get invested in, but if you don’t like it, that’s fine.

Next: Hello There: the Star Wars you used to know… refreshed!