Chock full of wall-crawling, wise-cracking, bad-guy-punching and, hyphen-misusing, Spider-Man/Deadpool #1 features legendary Deadpool team Joe Kelly & Ed McGuinness as they reunite to unite ol’ webhead and the mouthy mercy.
Cover by Ed McGuiness
Spider-Man/Deadpool (Eric B. & Rakim’s Paid In Full) by Dave Johnson
But what to call this terrible twosome? The Merc-y Neighborhood Deadpool? The Spider with a Mouth? They’ll figure it out eventually. Deadpool LOVES Spider-Man. Spider-Man hates Deadpool. Sounds like a perfect match! So what on Earth could be enough bring these two together for a titanic team-up in the merry Marvel manner?
Spider-Man/Deadpool #1
Written by Joe Kelly
Art & Cover by Ed McGuiness
Hip Hop Variant by Dave Johnson
On Sale Fall 2015