
FIFA 20 and Volta Football Score with Flair and Gender Balance.

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The Good
Street football!
Great graphics
Create both male and female footballers
More relatable story
The Bad
Story feels a little short

Sports titles face the unique challenge of having both a dedicated and passionate fan-base, as well as keeping the fans happy with titles that can satisfy said fans. FIFA 20 scores on many different levels.

Each year it’s easy to put out more of the same, a couple of tweaks here and there, graphic updates and better “physics”. In recent years though, I really like the direction that the FIFA franchise is heading.

FIFA 20 retains much of its goodness with better graphics and character models. Tweaks to the staple game modes such FUT and Career mode, but it’s Volta that truly makes this year’s edition electric.

With the introduction of The Journey, fans got the first taste of a story driven experience that even movies such as Goal failed to capture. The Journey gets even more enjoyable with Alex Hunter sharing the spotlight with his sister Kim Hunter and childhood nemesis-turned best mate Danny Williams in FIFA 19.

FIFA 20 takes The Journey and combines it with an old favourite – FIFA Street to produce Volta Football.

Street football is something almost any fan can relate to. It is the most accessible form of the game that we’ve all played from a young age. It’s the roots of the beautiful game.

While the Alex Hunter story was definitely engaging, playing for a Premier League football team is a dream for most. Heck, even putting together a 11-a-side friendly can sometimes be a challenge. Get a street soccer team together and take on the world? That’s something we can relate to.

While FIFA Street had its own game engine, Volta Football builds on the FIFA game engine… with a bit of flair.

Take to the streets in stadiums across the world and recruit the best, to take on the best in street football across a variety of game modes – and match types.

Controls and gameplay change from the traditional FIFA 11-a-side style to adapt to the closer control and accuracy needed in street football with enough depth to keep you entertained for hours on end.

Enjoyed the Journey? The new story line takes you from aspiring street football hopeful to recruiting a team good enough to reach the world championships. My only gripe is that it’s a tad too short and I definitely want more. No spoilers.

One of the more progressive things that EA has been able to do with FIFA is to include women players and teams. First introduced in FIFA 16, they’ve definitely given better representation over the years.

From women’s national teams in FIFA 16, to playing as Kim Hunter in FIFA 19, to creating your own Volta avatar of either gender, that can compete just as well on the courts.

It took a while to get street football back, and now I just want more from FIFA 21.