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Review: Bob: Non Union Psychic—A Quirky Supernatural Experience

Reader Rating0 Votes
A Cut Above The Rest
Quirky art style that adds another layer to the universe
Good portrayal of elderly characters
Fun premise
Bad Hair Day!
Final fight was a little cliché
Bob needs a little more character development.

Let’s face it—a good hairstylist is hard to find, but a great one who happens to be a psychic is one in a million. Meet Bob, Non Union Psychic. It’s apparent that Bob has the gift—he sees ghostly apparitions, can look into the dreams of his customers, and is, in general, a pretty happy man who loves his job.

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Enter his great-grandfather, who encourages Bob to get accepted into the oh-so-hallowed psychic union. See, Bob’s great-grandfather is Henry Harold Holbreck, who is a pretty big name in that league. He also pushes Bob into investigating a grave robbery, and everything goes wrong, unless Bob uses his pair of golden scissors to save the day.

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The plot is fun and fast-paced, and although Bob is the main character, it is gramps who propels the story forward. The characters are likeable, with Bob being the long-suffering great-grandson and Henry being the pushy old man, and I can’t wait to see how they develop in the next issue.

Also, props to Lance Lucero for writing a likeable, three-dimensional old man—many writers use stereotypes to portray elderly people, but Harold Holbreck is a lot more than that. There are some funny and action-packed scenes, but the final showdown didn’t quite do it for me as it ended up feeling like an all too typical boss fight in a video game.

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Although the art may look like it belongs in cartoons, it’d be remiss to shun it as it works for the story. The washed out colours of the ghosts around the city and the rendering of people’s thoughts and dreams add another layer to the universe.

It’s clear that Francisco Resendiz did a great job, with John Palmer IV’s lettering adding to the already vibrant universe. In short, judgy comic snobs should really get out of their comfort zone and pick up this one—they don’t know what they’re missing!

Bob: Non Union Psychic would make a lovely addition to my collection, but Lucero and his crew are just getting started. Here’s hoping that there will be longer, more elaborate plotlines that spread over issues, as this story felt like it ended all too soon.

You can get a copy of Bob: Non Union Psychic at Warehouse 9 Pro.