
Netflix Gets An Audio Upgrade With Sennheiser’s AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio

Netflix and Sennheiser have announced a massive audio improvement for all viewers that access streaming content with standard stereo equipment.

AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio is now streaming on Netflix and is designed to deliver an incredibly immersive audio experience with standard stereo speakers.

The AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio renderer translates original immersive mixes into 2-channel audio with a spatial experience far beyond stereo.

During development, Sennheiser worked with Netflix and other industry partners to fine-tune the system, which is now available to license from Sennheiser.

Netflix is the first streaming platform to deliver this significantly improved experience for select titles.

Surveys among viewers have shown that OTT customers often access content with standard stereo equipment – on mobile while travelling, when casually watching via a tablet, or because the home listening space does not allow for a complete surround sound set-up.

While in the past these viewers could not benefit from the growing amount of music and films produced in Dolby Atmos or MPEG-H Audio, the AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio feature has now changed this.

AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio is a two-channel rendering of an immersive mix that is a drop-in replacement for stereo. It provides an improved audio experience wherever stereo is delivered today, be it standard TV sets, stereo systems, headphones, tablets, or laptops.

Netflix is the first streaming platform to deliver AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio, and on select titles, like Season 4 of Stranger Things, Netflix has made it the default stream for any two-channel usage.

Netflix viewers watching on a stereo system will automatically receive an improved and enhanced spatial experience – no user changes required.

“Sennheiser firmly believes in the immersive future of audio,” said Dr Renato Pellegrini of Sennheiser’s AMBEO team.

“Creators all over the globe have been using our tools to create outstanding immersive works, pushing the boundaries of music and film production. With AMBEO 2-Channel Spatial Audio, we are now taking the next step – making this new audio reality accessible to everyone.”