
New Guardians of the Galaxy Teaser – Re-Hooked on a Feeling!

Remember how you’ve been every night since Daredevil came out on Netflix thinking to yourself “Damn, that’s some awesome dark shit right there… I wish Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 would put a smile on my face already…”

Related: 11 Guardians You Just Needa Know

No? You don’t think that specific thing every night while going to bed after crying in the shower and muttering “Jessicaaa…” as the water flows down the tear-stained contours of your face?

Jeez… what’s wrong with you people?

Either way, a teaser trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy is out now and if you’re not as emotionless as a dead rock you will love it!

Sure, it’s not much in terms of story, but it’s a brilliant throwback to the trailer that started it all:

Anyone who’s followed the production of GotG 2 knows that the significance of pop culture and ’80s music remains a priority in this sequel. So it’s really no surprise that the first poster to give us a look at the characters honestly looks awesome enough to be the cover of a vinyl record:


In the words of the holy hymn: I’m HIGH ON BELIEVING!! No wonder WB tried so hard to copy Guardians of the Galaxy with their paltry attempt at Suicide Squad.

Not only is this a brilliant bit of publicity for the movie, it’s also an ingenious way of reminding audience who may have hesitations regarding Doctor Strange that the last time Marvel tried something “weird” it turned out to be really awesome.

Better still, this volume’s apparently not gonna be too concerned with the bigger MCU matters like Thanos, and Infinity Gems, and Thor’s bathing habits, so expect it to be in the vein of Captain America: Winter Soldier with more of a standalone story and more character-centric progress.

Though, I really don’t think anyone would mind a feature on Thor’s bathing habits. Sequel to The Adventures of Thor and Darryl, maybe? Waiting on you, Mr Waititi.

Related: Thor and Darryl Show Cap and Iron Man How to be Bros!

Also, I completely expect Vision to turn up. #justsaying