In recent months, DC’s been running a “variant cover of the month” theme across select titles. While most tend to come across as simple gimmicks, some of them are really well done.
And March 2015’s movie poster-styled covers certainly are well done. So here are all 22 cover for your ease of perusal!
[divider]Action Comics #40[/divider]

[divider]Aquaman #40[/divider]

[divider]Batgirl #40[/divider]

[divider]Batman #40[/divider]

[divider]Batman & Robin #40[/divider]

[divider]Batman/Superman #20[/divider]

[divider]Catwoman #40[/divider]

[divider]Detective Comics #40[/divider]

[divider]The Flash #40[/divider]

[divider]Grayson #08[/divider]

[divider]Green Lantern #40[/divider]

[divider]Green Lantern Corps #40[/divider]

[divider]Harley Quinn #16[/divider]

[divider]Justice League #40[/divider]

[divider]Justice League Dark #40[/divider]

[divider]Justice League United #10[/divider]

[divider]Sinestro #11[/divider]

[divider]Supergirl #40[/divider]

[divider]Superman #40[/divider]

[divider]Superman/Wonder Woman #17[/divider]

[divider]Teen Titans #08[/divider]

[divider]Wonder Woman #40[/divider]