Katy Ann aka Katybear has been cosplaying since 2011. From her first convention, Con-Nichiwa, in Tucson, Arizona where she debuted her signature Cammy costume, she’s gone on to expand her range of outfits to include comic and gaming icons such as Supergirl and the ‘original Sub-Zero – Noob Saibot.
Kate who is fast becoming a familiar face on the Cosplay Circuit was kind enough to spare some time to answer some of our questions.
[divider]20 Questions with Katybear[/divider]
1. Why Cosplay? How did you get into it?
I am a Halloween baby, and have always enjoyed dressing up. I actually found out about Cosplay in 2011, and have been hooked ever since!
2. How is Cosplay different from Modelling/Fashion shoots?
To me Cosplay is an art form. I take a pile of fabric and supplies and I create something from it. It a lot of fun on the shoots too, because you get to take on the personality of the character.
With modeling (which I still enjoy), it’s easier.
3. What do you do when you’re not cosplaying? Day job?
I read, play video games, sew, hang out with friends, eat good food and drink good beer! As far as my job…. I can’t totally disclose that because of the nature of my job, but I work in the healthcare industry.
4. Do you make most of your outfits yourself?
Yes, I make all of my own outfits. It takes so much time and energy, but it’s worth it when you get that compliment at a Con, or have a really good photo shoot in it!
5. What was your first costume?

My first cosplay was Cammy from Street Fighter 2, she’s hands down my favorite character! I have re-made the gloves 3 times, just because I wasn’t happy with them. I’m kind of a perfectionist.
6. What’s your favourite costume?

Probably either of my Cammy cosplays. I did her delta red uniform, and her M. Bison Alt outfit, or Supergirl.
7. Which one took the most amount of time?How long did it take?
That would be Noob Saibot, or Smoke. Those costumes have so much detail! The mask alone on Noob took me about 15 hours (I used pepakura, then used fiberglass to harden it, then put 3 coats of Plasti Dip on it). I included a progress picture of it before resin, fiberglass, and paint. The rest of the outfit took probably about 30 hours. Just drafting patterns for all the little details. I will include a picture of the final outfit as well.
8. Which is the biggest Comic Convention you’ve been to so far?
Anime Expo in Los Angeles! I had so much fun. It was awesome! There were so many talented cosplayers there!
9. Which was your favourite?
Probably Saboten Con or Anime Expo.
10. Do you receive many requests?
I receive many requests for me to wear different Cosplays, but I only do characters that I genuinely like.
11. What’s the weirdest request you’ve received?
I would say probably people wanting to buy pieces of my Cosplays.
12. What do you think about the cosplay scene in the Asia Pacific region?
It looks like it is getting more and more popular.
13. Who’s your favourite cosplayer?
Enji Night, she is so adorable and seems very down to earth and kind.
14. Who should we look out for? Any up-and-comers?
My best friend Song Ja Park is beautiful and amazingly talented. She also makes all her own Cosplay outfits.
15. What advice would you have for budding Cosplayers?
Ignore the trolls, if you let them get into your head they will ruin your whole experience. I let them fuel me to be even better and to improve myself every day. You are going to make mistakes, and you just have to keep at it. Like the saying here in the U.S. goes, if you fall off the horse, you have to get back on!
16. What’s next on your project list? What should we look out for from you?
I am currently working on a few Pokemon gijinkas. And just finished my cape for the New 52 Supergirl.
17. Who’s your favourite hero/villain? Why?
My favorite hero is Deadpool because he doesn’t care what anyone things, he just does what’s in his own best interest. My favorite villain is probably Poison Ivy, she’s a femme fatale.
18. If you could have one superpower what would it be?
A healing factor like Wolverine/Deadpool. Or the ability to fly.
19. Marvel or DC?
20. What the best way for fans to get in touch with you or purchase your prints?
The best way would be through my online store: Katybear on StoreEnvy

Keep in touch with Katybear:
Facebook Cosplay Page: www.facebook.com/katybear1031
Facebook Modelling Page: www.facebook.com/katyann1031
Twitter: @katybearcosplay
Instagram: instagram.com/katybear
YouTube: www.youtube.com/katybear25